poste restante / ˌpoʊst rɛˈstɑnt or, especially British, ˈrɛs tɑnt; French pɔst rɛsˈtɑ̃t /


poste restante 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a direction written on mail to indicate that it should be held at the post office until called for by the addressee.
  2. Chiefly British. a department in charge of such mail.

poste restante 近义词

poste restante

等同于 general delivery

poste restante 的近义词 4

更多poste restante例句

  1. Do you know, Monsieur, that just as we were coming into Moulins, we remarked your odd-looking cabriolet de poste.
  2. I used to have my letters addressed there, poste restante, and call in for them when I happened to be in Kimberley.
  3. Atque, vt non putaret, hc nobis auctoribus gesta esse, perinde tamen poste in nos affectus fuit quasi credidisset.
  4. The address to which the order should be sent must, where poste restante is stated, in every case give the receiver's full name.
  5. "Poste-carte, Cismus cards, nice," he continues with unabated zeal as if we had not spoken at all.